
Owned by: Dave & Matt Wardrobe

OO Gauge, 12 x 2ft

Wardton is a fictional terminus station somewhere in the Western Region. Originally part of the GWR, as indicated by the building décor, it now part of BR operations. In addition to the two platform station there’s a goods yard/shed for the town and a separate siding for the local factory, which manufactures a wide range of products allowing rail deliveries to be as varied as we like.

Track and points are Peco, control is traditional 12v. The signals are built from MSE kits/components and are operated by Servo motors controlled by Heathcote boards. The signals are not interlocked so correct use is down to the attention of the operator (you may see a few errors especially when Dave is operating). Buildings are mostly plastic or card kits with extra detailing, the goods shed is scratch built due to the limited space in which to fit it.

Locos and coaches are mainly RTR; wagons are a combination of RTR and kits.